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Writer's pictureWendy Fedele

PMS-proof your diet

Does PMS leave you dreading a big chunk of each month? You might be interested to know that what you put in your mouth can have a big impact on your symptoms and that simple changes to your diet can make that time of the month a little more manageable. Read on to learn the dos and don’ts of nutrition for PMS.

Nutrients to fight PMS:

Studies show that overall healthful diets are associated with lower incidence/severity of PMS, but research has also shown that particular nutrients play a key role.

Several vitamins, minerals and fatty acids are involved in a healthy menstrual cycle and research has shown specifically that B Vitamins (particularly B6, Thiamine and Riboflavin), Vitamin E, D, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Omega 3 Fatty acids, amongst others, may assist with certain symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

For many of my clients I will recommend specific supplements based on nutritional gaps and for those nutrients that research has found may be of benefit in higher amounts than we’d typically get form our diet. However, as I always say, you can’t out-supplement a good diet!

PMS superfoods

To ensure your diet is packed full of these PMS-busting nutrients, try to include the following foods in your diet regularly.

Wholegrains (i.e quinoa, barley, oats, buckwheat etc.)

Beans and Legumes (Such as chickpeas, lentils, black beans etc.)

Nuts and Seeds

Oily fish and seafood (canned salmon and sardines for bonus points as fish where you eat the bones will provide calcium on top of Omega 3 Fatty acids)


Dark leafy greens (such as spinach and kale)


Give these a miss:

What we leave out of our diet is just as important when it comes to fighting PMS. Try to limit your intake of foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, saturated fat and sodium – particularly in the lead up to and during your period. These include things like fatty cuts of meat and processed meats, chips, crackers, biscuits, pastries, lollies, white breads, sweet refined breakfast cereals, soft drinks. And be wary of trying to perk yourself up with too much caffeine or numbing the pain with alcohol (even if it seems like a good idea at the time, it won't help, trust me!).

Oh and make sure you’re staying well hydrated and getting enough sleep!

It’s important to know however that if your symptoms are severe and impacting your day to day life, it’s important that you check in with your friendly GP/ Gynaecologist/ Fertility specialist to rule out things like Endometriosis and provide any medical support that may be required.

Wendy xx

P.S Need more help managing your health, hormones and nutrition? Get in touch

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